Monthly Archives: September, 2010

Q. I like the idea of receiving a monthly check for life, with a yearly raise and if I die first, my wife would keep on receiving those checks. However, I wish there was a way I could keep my principle and just be able to withdraw what I needed every month and reinvest the rest back into my principle. I would hopefully like to keep building my principle and be able to pass it on down to my children and even my grandkids. Does this make sense and is it a way I can do this? A. Yes. You may…

Are you afraid of losing money? Terrified that if you put your Thrift Savings Plan contributions into anything but the G Fund, you’ll do it at the wrong time and suffer huge losses? I’ve even heard TSP investors express fears about investing in the G Fund. While it’s certainly better to make money than it is to lose it, the fears that seem to be running rampant lately are often irrational — and might wind up costing you your lifestyle in retirement. I clearly remember the optimism that reigned over the investment world during the late 1990s. Investors were scrambling…

Q. I work for the FBI and belong to the CSRS.  I’ve managed to put some money aside in a voluntary contributions account.  I’ve heard that it is now possible to transfer the entire amount from the VC account into a private Roth IRA account.  I’ve set up a brokerage account at USAA for the money, but no one at the Office of Personnel Management  seems to be able to advise me if there are tax implications in moving the money, or if the money has to be moved by Dec. 31. A.  OPM will not give you tax advice.…

Q. Is it true that after retirement you cannot move your money around within the different TSP funds? A. After retirement, you may continue to manage your TSP account assets, including reallocating your money among the various funds, as you did before retirement.

Q. I am an avid follower of the Federal Times Q & A section and would like some clarification on a statement I often see.  When people write in asking for any type of TSP investment advice, the answer is that there is no “one-size-fits-all” answer, which I could not agree with more.  However, when it comes to leaving funds in the TSP, rollovers, etc., the answer is always that the TSP is the best investment vehicle available.  In my opinion, this is another situation where there’s no “one size fits all” and would like to understand why there is…

Q. I sent an e-mail about two months ago asking a question about my TSP account. I’ve been working as a General Schedule employee for about 4½ years. I have all my money invested in one fund (the I Fund). I don’t want to work much longer and was wondering if it would be best if I divided it into three different funds. The S Fund, the I Fund and the C Fund. I checked and didn’t see a question along this line. Your advice in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. A: I did provide an answer to…

Q. I don’t think I was clear on my submitted question.  I am not old enough to retire but may have to leave my job. I don’t need the money because I can live on my husband’s income. Should I leave my TSP account alone until I become of retirement age, or am I required to take it out or roll it over ? A. You may, and should consider, leaving your money in the TSP and managing it there until you need it or until you have to start withdrawing it sometime after you reach age 70 1/2. The…

Q. My husband is doing a permanent change of station soon and I haven’t yet found federal employment at his new duty station, so I will more than likely resign before leaving. What are my options with my TSP account? I don’t have three full years yet of federal employment. A. If your vested balance is less than $200, your account will automatically be cashed out and a check sent to you, which you may roll over to an IRA. If your vested balance is at least $200, then you may (and I recommend that you do consider) leave your…