Q. I retired from the Department of the Interior on Dec. 31, 1997, and left my Thrift Savings Plan intact until 2003, when I rolled it into a traditional IRA. On the paperwork for the rollover transaction, I find no reference to TSP contributions versus TSP account balance. As I approach age 70½ next year, I realize that I need to know what my contribution (or basis) was. I have filed with the Internal Revenue Service for a tax extension in the hope that I can retrieve contribution/basis info from TSP archives and accurately represent the TSP account in my total IRA basis. I have checked all the TSP forms and can’t find an appropriate one. Can someone tell me how to retrieve my TSP contribution info?
A. What makes you think that your TSP contains tax basis? Did you make nondeductible contributions to your TSP account? You’re likely to be looking for something that’s not there.
Let me assume you mean that you want to know how much you actually contributed out-of-pocket. I would recommend you get out all your LES statements for the years you contributed and find the last one for each pay year. Then add up the cumulative YTD contribution amounts for each. But, as nice to know as that may be, it probably isn’t of much practical use.
Logon to your TSP account and click Contribution Summary. Select Dec 31, desired year and hit enter.
You do not need this information to do your taxes.