Q. I’m a 58-year-old FERS employee with 29 years of service. I have two years of leave without pay from while I was mobilized in the Army Reserve (2004-06). I am in the process of paying my military deposit to buy back this time.
After returning to federal service, I did not identify that I wanted to catch up on the Thrift Savings Plan and get my TSP matching contributions.
I recently read on the TSP website that I could still use the substantial contributions I made to the uniformed services TSP to request my civilian matching contributions. I have my military leave and earnings statements to confirm my contributions; and the TSP website confirms I never received the automatic 1 percent or the 4 percent matching funds.
Can I still submit for the retroactive TSP contributions? If so, should I do it through the agency I was with while on duty, or through my current agency I subsequently transferred to later on?
A. See this notice https://www.tsp.gov/PDF/formspubs/oc95-5.pdf and go to your agency human resources office to pursue the missed agency contributions.