Q. I was recently informed that I fell under the Federal Erroneous Retirement Coverage Corrections Act and had an option to select CSRS Offset. I was also told that the 1 percent and matching in my Thrift Savings Plan would be removed if I selected CSRS Offset. My human resources office told me that it would be the exact amount that was put into my TSP. If it made money, I would be able to keep the difference; if it lost money, I would have to make up the difference. So I selected CSRS Offset. Now they are beginning to remove the 1 percent by pay period, but they are removing the amount plus interest. I also have a colleague who was told the same, but they are only removing the actual amount and not interest. What are they supposed to be removing from the TSP if you switch from FERS to CSRS Offset under FERCCA?
A. It’s not that simple. In fact, the FERCCA rules for this are pretty complex. The answer depends upon your particular circumstances.