Q. Where would I find the actual holdings in each of the TSP funds? What stocks, bonds, etc., are in the Target Funds, etc.? For financial planning, the firm we have hired would like a breakdown of what I’m holding in my account.
A. If you dig into the information about the funds (under the “Fund Options” tab) available at www.tsp.gov, you find an explanation of the index that that serves as the basis for each of the TSP’s funds. You’ll have to do some research online to find a listing of the component securities for each of these indexes. I’ll warn you that the number of securities for an L Fund could run into the thousands.
In 20 years, I have never asked a client for a breakdown of the underlying securities in their TSP account. I wonder if the firm you hired clearly understands the TSP. If not, you may want to reconsider your decision to engage them. The TSP is an outstanding investment vehicle, and it would be a mistake to leave it, or mismanage it, out of a lack of understanding.
Before you go to the effort to put this together, I suggest that you ask the advisor if you understood their request properly. If you did, your next question should be about why they needed to ask.