Browsing: loan

Q. I will be 59½ in August. I would like to make an in-service withdrawal from my Thrift Savings Plan. At this time, I have a loan out on my account. Do I need to repay this loan before I take an in-service withdrawal for the total amount in my account, and how much tax will I be charged for this withdrawal? A. You do not need to repay the loan before taking an age-based in-service withdrawal. The automatic tax withholding rate on these withdrawals is 20 percent unless you transfer your payment to another retirement plan or account.

Q. I am considering a Thrift Savings Plan loan of $40,000 to fully fund a Roth TSP for the next few years. I am in the Air Force and plan on staying in the service for at least six more years until retirement. I’m just not sure that the benefits of a fully funded Roth TSP will outweigh the tax I will pay on the loan payments, not to mention the tax I will pay on the interest from the $40,000 as it sits in the bank waiting to be deposited into my Roth TSP, and the gains that $40,000…

Q. I did a hardship to take care of my mother who had become ill, taking a pay cut on the way, and leaving behind the house I bought in 2005. After a year and a half on the market, the house I used to live in has become a short sale. The bank wants $25,000 in cash, which I don’t have at the moment. The bank also wants to see my Thrift Savings Plan account. I know they cannot levy against it, but I assume they want me to, in order to make up some of the difference. I would like to retire…

Q. If I have an outstanding TSP loan balance at the time of retirement in December and it is declared a taxable distribution, will that unpaid loan preclude me from taking a one-time partial withdrawal from my TSP account the next year? A. No.

Q: Do you know of any provisions in the Federal Erroneous Retirement Coverage Corrections Act that allows one to get a Thrift Savings Plan loan with agency matching funds in their TSP account? In April, while employed with the Department of the Army, the Army Benefit Center informed me that I was entitled to retirement plan corrective action under FERCCA. In July, I submitted my FERCCA election form to enroll me into Civil Service Retirement System Offset retirement coverage from the Federal Employees Retirement System. ABC sent letters to my previous employers notifying them of this change and informing them…