Browsing: Roth IRA

Q. I retired from federal service last year. The Office of Personnel Management made a direct rollover of my Voluntary Contributions Program after-tax contributions to a Roth IRA, and a direct rollover of my interest earned on those contributions to my Thrift Savings Plan account. However, OPM will not issue 1099Rs documenting these two direct rollovers, forcing me to file Form 4852 “substitute for 1099-R” with my 2012 tax return. This form requires these two direct rollovers to be identified with a distribution code. Of course, the Internal Revenue Service instructions aren’t that clear about which code is appropriate for each direct rollover.   It…

Q. I plan on retiring in August at age 60 with over 37 years of service. I am under CSRS. I also contribute to the Thrift Savings Plan and started a Roth in December. Given that the feds are planning to “borrow” from the G Fund, would I be wiser to convert all TSP monies to Roth or withdraw and put into another IRA? A. I don’t think so. The law requires that the G Fund be made whole.

Q. Federal employees now have the option of investing a portion of their Thrift Savings Plan contributions into the Roth option. As many of us know, contributions to the Roth TSP are from after-tax income. The benefit comes from tax-free earnings. The way I understand the rules, we must contribute to Roth for five years and not make any withdrawals until we are age 59½. The traditional TSP also uses the 59½ rule, unless we retire at age 55 or later. When we make withdrawals from our TSP account, the money is divided proportionately from both the traditional and Roth funds. For example:…

Q. I am a 64-year-old CSRS employee. If I transfer some of my Thrift Savings Plan into an IRA with a private company, does it need to go into a traditional IRA, or can it be transferred into a Roth IRA? A. It can go into either, but check with a CPA before proceeding.

Q. I am in CSRS. Can I still invest after-tax money in the Voluntary Contributions Program and then convert it to a Roth IRA, or have things changed in 2013? A. To the best of my knowledge, you can.

Q. I am retiring in June under CSRS at age 54 after 31 years of service (Air Traffic Provision).  I have been working outside of the country for the past three years as a loaned executive and have had to pay my CSRS benefits out of pocket to keep my CSRS entitlement while outside of the country. During this period, I have not been able to contribute money into the Thrift Savings Plan since my salary is paid by the out of country organization where I am assigned. I will only return to the Federal Aviation Association for one month…

Q. I retired as a FERS employee in July 2011 under a Voluntary Early Retirement Authority. I was 56½ with 28 years of service. During my years of employment, a Roth TSP option was not available. Therefore, all of my Thrift Savings Plan money is in a non-Roth/traditional account. I would like to use partial withdrawals to move this money into a Roth IRA. I know I must pay taxes but wondered if I must wait until I am 59½ to avoid penalty? I see references that a 10 percent penalty may not apply in the case of VERA and…

Q. I am a GS-14 criminal investigator with 16 years covered service, and I am expecting to contribute to the Thrift Savings Plan for another 10 years or so before retiring. I have been contributing the TSP maximum for the past 10 years. What is your guidance with the Roth option? Should I scale back my TSP contribution to the 6 percent minimum to capture the matching contributions and invest the rest with the Roth option? A. Without a good reason to do otherwise, I prefer the tax-deferred contributions.

Q. I am 25 years old, and recently joined the government. It is difficult to fathom retirement at my age, but I understand that I can get ahead by taking time to address my financial planning needs now. I don’t really have solid retirement goals. Let’s imagine I will retire around 2050. My investments need to provide support beyond any retirement date. I understand the risks associated with investing in stocks vs. mutual funds. I also understand that I can take more risk at a younger age. And I am comfortable taking on risk. After all, we’re only talking about…

Q. Can I make a voluntary contribution and roll it over to a Roth IRA as a retiree? Am I correct that this would have to have been done before retirement? I took a voluntary early pension in 2004 at age 50. A. You are correct in that you may not make a VC after you retire.

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