Q. I have a two-part question. I am a federal firefighter and, as of December, I will have 25 years and 10 months on the job and I am 50 years old. What is the salary they will be basing my retirement on: base pay or actual pay? When can I collect my Thrift Savings Plan? I would like to receive checks like a retirement. A. Mike: You may begin withdrawing your TSP balance, or use it to buy an immediate annuity, as soon as you are separated from service. Reg: Your annuity will be calculated using your basic pay.…
Browsing: salary
Q. I am 39. I contribute 12 percent of my salary to the Thrift Savings Plan. I have 50 percent in the L Fund and 10 percent each in G, I, S, C and F. I plan to retire around 62. Is this a reasonable contribution distribution? A. On its own, it’s not risk-efficient. If you don’t have a good reason to use this allocation, then it’s not reasonable.
Q. I was involuntarily separated under FERS discontinued service retirement with 26½ years of service. I was rehired to a federal job and opted to receive both salary and annuity. I no longer contribute to FERS and understand why I no longer get matching contributions to the Thrift Savings Plan, but why can’t I contribute my own money to TSP and get the tax deferral? I have a TSP account but do not plan on withdrawing money until I permanently retire in several years. A. The only way that you’re allowed to contribute to the TSP is through payroll deferral or…
Q. I am CSRS and eligible to retire now with 30 years at age 56. My salary excludes my wife and I from funding a Roth with more than $6,000 each year (except $22,500 allowable into new Roth TSP). Let’s say I put $25,000 into the Voluntary Contributions Program with the intention of making a one-time, lump-sum withdrawal as soon as possible and roll the original $25,000 into a private Roth IRA. I am told that doing so is a way to immediately fund a Roth that is not limited to my current $6,000 amount mentioned above. Do I understand this correctly,…
Q. My husband was a temporary federal employee for the Defense Department for five years. He was laid off in August. He had two years of military service, which he bought that time back, so in essence he has seven years of federal service. He is 60 years old. He put 10 percent of his salary in the Thrift Savings Plan. Should he leave that money in TSP or put it in another vehicle? Also, when he reaches retirement age (62), will he receive a pension for the seven years of federal service? He left DoD with a sick leave…
Q. I recently left federal service after three years to pursue grad school in the fall. I am 23, with a little over $15,000 in a Thrift Savings Plan account. I am wondering if I should make an out-of-service withdrawal and transfer the funds to an IRA? Then, once the funds were in an IRA, I could withdraw the funds for education costs without the penalty or 10 percent tax and only face federal income tax, since my state doesn’t have an income tax. I am not receiving financial aid for grad school because of my federal government salary, and…
Q. I am a FERS employee earning $118,000 per year. My sister is a dental assistant earning about $30,000 per year. (She’s also married and lives in a state with a much lower cost of living, while I’m single.) This question involves inheritance of our parents’ retirement accounts, and I offered our salaries because our tax obligations are vastly different. Our father has a TSP account worth approximately $110,000. Our mother has a 401(k) worth approximately $90,000. Both are retired, and both are very ill with terminal cancer. We’re wondering if our parents should each convert their retirement accounts to cash…