Browsing: share price

Q. TSP explains in its brochure that dividends are already incorporated into the share price. This seems illogical to me, as I believe the definition of a dividend is a cash payout of a certain stock share price at a certain time of the year. Does the Thrift Savings Plan definition mean that the share price of the S, C or I Fund is artificially inflated? A. No, it means the dividends that are paid by the stocks owned by the funds are retained by the fund and increase the net asset value of the fund. The share price reflects…

Q: I noticed that today (May 6), the G Fund lost value ($0.01 per share). I don’t understand how this can be. I would greatly appreciate an explanation. A: The price you cited in your question was incorrect. The G Fund’s closing price on May 6 was $13.2680 per share, and on May 5 it was $13.2669. Recent share prices for the G Fund and for other Thrift Savings Plan investments can be found at