Browsing: TSP transfer

Q. I deposited a little money into my Thrift Savings Plan, tax free, about five years ago, when I was in the military serving in Iraq. Since this money is in effect post tax, would it be possible to transfer it from my traditional TSP account to a Roth TSP account, thus allowing it to accrue tax-free interest? A. It is possible. Consult a competent tax adviser for advice about if, when and how you should do it.

Q: I realize that you can leave your funds in the Thrift Savings Plan until age 70 1/2. But can you continue to contribute to the plan in retirement? If so, how? Can you have a certain amount taken out of your retirement check? If not, what is the advantage of keeping the money in the plan? Wouldn’t it be better to take it out when you retire, reinvest it and continue to contribute to the new fund until you need the money? A: You can’t continue to contribute to the TSP after you separate from service. You can transfer…