Loan repayment and early-out


Q. I have worked for the Postal Service for 24 years as postmaster. I would be able to take an early-out offer. I want to borrow on my Thrift Savings Plan for a residential loan. If I do a 10-year loan from my part of the TSP next month and then they offer early retirement and I take it, will I still have to continue making the payments? Also, when I retire, will I be able to pull out all my savings in TSP?

A. If you retire, your outstanding TSP loan will become due. If you don’t repay it shortly after retiring, it will be declared a taxable distribution from your account. You may withdraw funds from the TSP any time after you separate from service.


About Author

Mike Miles is a Certified Financial Planner licensee and principal adviser for Variplan LLC, an independent fiduciary in Vienna, Virginia. Email your financial questions to and view his blog at

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