Q. I am 50 years old and plan to resign in within two years. I will more than 10 years of service, but my minimum retirement age is 56. Sometime after I turn 56, I plan to submit for a deferred retirement, even though I know I will take a penalty of 5 percent each year under age 62. The Thrift Savings Plan states that “if you are age 55 or older in the year you separate or retire, the 10 percent early withdrawal penalty tax does not apply.” Does this apply to deferred retirements, as well? A. There is no…
Browsing: deferred annuity
Q. I am a 60-year-old FERS employee and have decided to retire in March. With $250,000 in my Thrift Savings Plan, I am being courted by insurance companies to buy into their annuities. I can see some benefit but am worried that the administrative fees will take too much of my money. How can I overcome these anxieties? A. If history has taught us anything, it’s that these “financial services” companies don’t care about you and your interests. They care about profits, which always come at their customers’ expense. They’ll do and say anything they think they can get away with to confiscate your money.…
Q. If I resign at age 51 with 25 years of service, will I lose the government matching funds that went into my Thrift Savings Plan? Will I be able to receive a deferred annuity at age 62? What would that be — 25 percent of high-3? A. Mike: Agency matching contributions are not subject to a vesting requirement and are not forfeited at termination. Reg: Because you have at least 20 years of service, you could apply for a deferred annuity at age 60. Since each year of service would be worth 1 percent, with 25 years, your annuity…
Q. I spent 22 years with the Postal Service and quit in 2010 to take another career. I was under FERS. Do I get a pension from the Postal Service, or is that what the Thrift Savings Plan is? And can I collect it at 55? A. Mike: If you left FERS service before the calendar year in which you reach age 55, you will be subject to the early withdrawal penalty rules. Reg: If you didn’t take a refund of your retirement contributions when you left, you can apply to the Office of Personnel Management for a deferred annuity…
Q. I am 46 with 22 years of service, and have been told that I will soon receive a letter of directed reassignment to a job in my same grade far outside my commuting area. When the letter arrives, if I should decline to move to the new position, what are my options for drawing retirement? How about insurance? Severance pay? What about my 401(k) in the Thrift Savings Plan? My performance ratings are not an issue. A. Mike: Your circumstances will not affect the usual rules that apply to your TSP account. As long as you remain employed, you will be…
Q. I am really confused about the purchase of private annuities and when that is a good idea. I am a FERS employee who just turned 59½. I plan on working for another eight to 10 years, as I only have 12 years of service. My Thrift Savings Plan fund is around $92,000. Last year, my financial adviser, whom I met when his firm conducted a retirement seminar at the Atlanta Federal Center, suggested that I sell most of the securities in my private brokerage account and buy a fixed index deferred annuity from Midland National to avoid losses in…
Q. What would be the advantage or disadvantage to a retiree of transferring their TSP to a variable and/or fixed annuity? What are the issues to look for, if any? A. The main disadvantage of variable and deferred annuities is their high cost. The main disadvantage of a fixed immediate annuity, in the current environment, is a low payout rate. I don’t know a universal advantage to a variable or deferred annuity. The advantage of an immediate fixed annuity is guaranteed income for life.
Q. I have a State of Kansas deferred compensation 457(b) pretax fund from when I worked for the state. Can I roll this into the Thrift Savings Plan without tax consequences? If so, how do I go about the process? If I have to receive a check from the fund directly — not made out to me — I believe I have 60 days in which to get it into another fund. A. If it contains only pretax money, you may transfer it to the TSP. Use Form TSP-60 and follow the instructions.
Q: I plan on taking a deferred retirement at age 54 with 32 years of federal service in May 2012. I have been in the Federal Employees Health Benefits program since 1985. My wife plans taking a job in the federal government prior to me taking the deferred retirement. When she is hired, the plan is for me to transfer to her FEHB. When I reach age 56 in May 2014, how will the deferred retirement impact the three parts of the Federal Employees Retirement System (basic retirement with high-3, etc.; supplement, which should be 32/40 x what I receive…