Browsing: S Fund

Q. With a 300 percent increase in the money supply since 2008, I believe inflation will have a devastating effect in the years to come. Is there any recommended Thrift Savings Plan strategy to prepare for it if it occurs? From the risk information on the TSP website, it appears inflation will have a negative risk on all of the TSP funds. A. The C, S, I and G funds should be the most resistant to inflation pressure.

Q. I am 25 years old, and recently joined the government. It is difficult to fathom retirement at my age, but I understand that I can get ahead by taking time to address my financial planning needs now. I don’t really have solid retirement goals. Let’s imagine I will retire around 2050. My investments need to provide support beyond any retirement date. I understand the risks associated with investing in stocks vs. mutual funds. I also understand that I can take more risk at a younger age. And I am comfortable taking on risk. After all, we’re only talking about…

Q. I’ve worked for the Food and Drug Administration for 18 years. I started investing in the Thrift Savings Plan about 10 years ago and don’t plan on retiring until 2030. I’m investing 15 percent right now, and I plan on doing more. I’ve been advised to invest in the L Funds. But lately I’ve been looking at the F, C, S and I funds, which are doing so much better than the L. I want to switch to the one that’s earning the most. Isn’t the L fund for those who are ready to retire within a couple of years? I’m…

Q. Is there any way to manage one’s Thrift Savings Plan account so as to effect a bucket strategy of withdrawal? My reasoning is that not all funds will be up in any one year. I would like to have a three-to-five-year bucket (G Fund) for the lifetime monthly withdrawals and a six-to-10-year bucket for asset growth (C, S and I funds). Periodically, I would move money from the longer-term bucket to the shorter-term bucket. As it stands now, withdrawals come out of each fund based on the percentage in each. My reasoning is that the rock bottom expense ratios…

Q. I am looking for some feedback on information received from a financial adviser. I have been in the L2020 fund. The financial adviser is primarily for military and federal employees. He indicated that the L2020 fund currently has 60 percent in stocks (C, S and I funds) and 40 percent in fixed income (G and F funds).  He had suggested conducting an interfund transfer to allocate 65 percent to stocks and 35 percent to fixed income.  The formula would be 25 percent C, 20 percent S and 20 percent I funds, equaling 65 percent.  The second equation would be to put…

Q. I am 29 years old and serve in the Air Force. I contribute the maximum $5,000 amount to my Roth IRA every year, and have a few thousand dollars in the standard Thrift Savings Plan. I am concerned about the lack of investing options besides the G, F, S, C, I and L funds within the TSP. With the new Roth TSP option, would it be possible for me to continue to contribute $5,000 directly to my Roth IRA, then contribute $17,000 to a Roth TSP, and finally roll that $17,000 over to my Roth IRA each year? A. Your participation…

Q. I’m a FERS retiree, age 64, with a $36,000 annual pension. My spouse has a $40,000 annual salary. We have a rental property that brings us $24,000 a year. And we have a home mortgage balance of $500,000. Our living expenses so far do not require me to withdraw my $600,000 Thrift Savings Plan fund. I plan to live until age 85. As I approach age 70½ with minimum distribution, what is the best tax strategy for transferring the $600,000 from the TSP into a private investment account? A lump-sum rollover into a Roth account after paying the taxes? A calculated…

Q. Effective Feb. 29, 2012, I am a CSRS retiree from federal service; I participated in both the Thrift Savings Program ($201,000), and the Voluntary Contributions Program. I must make an election soon of the funds now in the VCP: $87,637 (nontaxable); $34,682 (taxable). I am married, and I will be 66 years old in October. I (we) do not foresee needing the money from these two sources in the near term. I will likely convert everything to a traditional IRA then Roth IRA in April of the year after I turn 70½, to be left to my son after I…

Q. I am sure the upcoming elections will affect the market, as elections always do. What would be the recommended fund to put my money into for this? I have 13 years until I plan to retire, but I want to maximize earning without taking too big of risk. Right now, I have about 90 percent in the C Fund the rest in the S Fund. A. Assuming that your Thrift Savings Plan is your only investment account, your current allocation is unnecessarily risky and inefficient. If you’re not a competent investment manager, and your question hints that you’re not,…

Q. I retired the end of July 2011. Since then, companies are coming out of the woodwork requesting that I invest my Thrift Savings Plan funds with them because “keeping it in the TSP will not allow growth due to the fact that I am no longer contributing.” But I am hesitating to do anything with it because once I hear their fees, it scares me. I don’t expect to need the money and would like it to grow into a nice inheritance for my daughter. I have about 90 percent in the G Fund and the remaining 10 percent divided…