Browsing: transfer

Q. According to a letter I received from the Thrift Savings Plan, I’d save in account management fees if I transfer traditional IRA to TSP. I don’t feel comfortable with this transfer. How would we know that the federal government won’t decide to use our funds, like they borrow Social Security funds, and then it won’t be there when we want it? What are your thoughts on this? A. What you’re worrying about is against the law. I think you are worrying needlessly. Your money is probably at greater risk in an IRA.

Q. My husband has a substantial sum in his private company’s 401(k). I am the beneficiary on this account. If he dies and the money goes to me, may I put that money into my Thrift Savings Program, since that money is all pretax? A. Good question! If it winds up in a 401(k) or IRA solely in your name (not in a beneficiary account), it is eligible to be moved into your TSP account.

Q. I retired from the federal service in 2012. I understand that I cannot make any further contributions to the Thrift Savings Plan since I am no longer a federal employee, and that I cannot undertake a traditional or Roth IRA in 2013 unless I have wages. What I am not clear about is the spousal IRA. It appears to me that because my spouse is still working, I could contribute to a traditional IRA in 2013 as a nonworking spouse if he and I met the income and joint filing qualifications. If this is true, could I then transfer that spousal IRA…

Q. I retired from the Transportation Security Administration on Aug. 1 under CSRS Offset. I was employed in the 1970s and 1980s and owe approximately $42,000 if I wish to buy back this time and get credit for it in my annuity. I was considering using my Thrift Savings Plan dollars for part of this buyback instead of taking the TSP as an annuity or lump sum. Is it possible to transfer the TSP balance to CSRS in some way so that I would not pay a withdrawal fee or taxes on it? (I am 66). A. No.

Q. If I leave the Thrift Savings Plan funds in TSP after I retire, I assume I am required to take required minimum distributions. Is this correct? If I leave the funds there and name trusts as beneficiaries, can a beneficiary then move the funds to an inherited stretch IRA after I die? A. Your TSP account is subject to RMD requirements once you reach age 70½ and are separated from federal employment. There is no simple, universal answer to your trust beneficiary question. It depends upon the trust, and you should consult an estate planning attorney before going down…

Q. Someone had a recent question about Thrift Savings Plan fund investment options in a speculative market, and I noticed in reading some of the comments at, a recommendation of “What’s safer than either the G or F Funds, alone, is a combination of all five funds at once. Without stocks, how are you going to hedge the risk of owning the G and/or F funds?” Doesn’t being in one of the L funds do that for you? Also, would you move your TSP funds out of the TSP at retirement into an IRA? A. Yes, the L funds…

Q. I am a 64-year-old CSRS employee. If I transfer some of my Thrift Savings Plan into an IRA with a private company, does it need to go into a traditional IRA, or can it be transferred into a Roth IRA? A. It can go into either, but check with a CPA before proceeding.

Q. I am a CSRS employee with less than eight years left until retirement with a Thrift Savings Plan balance of over $200,000. Should I move all of my money to a “safe” fund for the next six months or so until this fiscal cliff mess is cleared up? Looking not to lose money this time, so which fund is the smartest to move my TSP funds to? A. When was the last time it seemed safe to invest? There’s no such time. That’s the problem with timing out of the markets: You then have to time back in or…

Q. I’m pretty pleased with the Thrift Savings Plan returns and would like to know if I can deposit any after-tax money into the TSP. If I have a $100,000 in a CD, can I withdraw those funds (and pay the taxes) and deposit them into my current TSP account? A. No, but you may transfer your 401(k) assets into your TSP account if all of the money in it is taxable upon withdrawal. Use Form TSP-60 and follow the instructions there.

Q. Since I won’t be forced to take the required minimum distribution until six years from now, I’m going to take your advice and transfer my money from the G Fund to one of the L funds. I can’t put money into the Thrift Savings Plan anymore, since I’m retired. How do I determine which L Fund to put my money in? A. If I were you, I’d put my money into the L Fund that most closely corresponds to my life expectancy.

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