Q. I’ve been putting money into the C Fund and S Fund but keep 50 percent in the G Fund. I’m not doing too well. I move it when the stock market dips and put it back when it rises. Can I put all of my money into an L Fund and get better results? If so, which one? I plan to retire in 15 years. A. Really, selling after the market drops and buying after it rises isn’t working out too well? Go figure. Identifying and applying the asset allocation scheme that meets your needs with a minimum of risk would…
Browsing: TSP allocation
Q. In 2008, when the market crashed, I put a lot of my G and C funds into the S and I. The balance was around $107,000 at the time. It’s now 2013 and my balance today is $270,000 as the share prices for the S and I have more than doubled. The S Fund went from $11 a share to $26 a share. The I Fund went from $12 a share to $25 a share. When is a good time to move all of the S and I back into the G or C funds so that I do not…
Q. I am retiring under FERS soon. I am now age 69. I have about $175,000: 74 percent in G Fund; 24 percent in C Fund. I would like to move some or all out of the G Fund to get a better return. Your advice would be appreciated. A. This is not nearly enough information to determine the proper asset allocation for you. I will note, however, that the additional return you seek will come with much greater risk of loss than that posed by the G Fund, so be careful.
Q. I am separating from the military in January 2014. From there, I will be pursuing my education. I will be 60 in 2042. My Thrift Savings Plan is 100 percent G Fund. I stopped my TSP contribution and started the Roth TSP because I like the idea of not paying tax when retirement comes. I am aware that the account needs to be in place for five years and can only be withdrawn at age 59½, and that the money is deducted from taxed income. Is this a wise decision? Since my traditional TSP can’t be transferred to TSP…
Q: I’m a Federal Employees Retirement System employee and will retire at age 64. I will opt for monthly payments from my Thrift Savings Plan. I know I can change the amount yearly, but can I also change the plan in which the funds are invested? A: You may change your investment allocation in the TSP as you see fit, within the usual limits, for as long as you maintain the account.
Q: I am an employee under the Federal Employees Retirement System. I will retire in five years at age 56 with 37 years of federal service. I plan to continue working in the private sector and not make any Thrift Savings Plan withdrawals until I turn 62. I currently contribute 20 percent of my TSP money to each of the five funds. What is your opinion on this investment allocation? If it’s not favorable, could you provide an allocation that you feel would be in my best interest? Also, if I decide to delay my federal retirement until age 62,…