Browsing: L Fund

Q. I had all my funds in the L Fund most closely related to my retiring date until this afternoon. After learning that my overall value dropped by $5,000, I got worried and moved everything to the G Fund. Then I spoke to a friend who explained to me the $5,000 loss was really only a decrease in value, and not real money. Now that I better understand I would like to move back to the L Fund. Will I be penalized or will my funds be significantly effected because i did this switch?

Q. I am a federal employee under CSRS, eligible to retire with max benefits in 2024 (41 years and 11 months) at the age of 60. My TSP distribution is 50 percent L 2020, 15 percent C fund, 15 percent S and 15 percent I funds. At the close of 2018 my balance was $340,295, which reflects a loss of $47,753. Should I move everything to the L Fund?

Q. Currently I have 90 percent in the S fund and 10 percent in the G Fund. Obviously, I’ve lost a lot of the gains we made $57,000 to be exact.I know we are due for a correction, but I have no idea what to do. Move to the L Fund? Move 50 percent to C? If I do those now, do I lose? I retire in 6 years 10 months.

Q. I have 22 years of federal employment and had $304,000 in my TSP fund. I have always kept 100 percent in the C Fund. With the terrible year of 2018, I have seen all my gains lost and gained throughout the year. Today, 12/10/2018, is yet another terrible day with the stocks falling again since the opening I bell this morning. Today, as of lunch time, my TSP funds have decreased to about $280,400. I am wondering if I should move my money to the G Fund until this tumultuous time is over? 

Q. I’m retiring soon at 60 years of age and 30 years. I have TSP savings of about $600,000 in the L2020. My monthly retirement annuity before taxes is estimated at $3,971, which includes $1,414 in the Social Security supplement. My mortgage is $260,000 and I am paying $1,889 a month with a balloon payment due in 2022 for $244,380. The interest rate is 4.99 percent (as is the APR) with total interest percentage (TIP) of 32.9 percent. I need advice on whether to withdraw $260,000 from my TSP and pay off the mortgage or leave it. I’ll need to…

Q. My plan is to retire on Dec. 31, 2018, at age 58 (under FERS). My TSP balance is just over $1 million. I plan to leave my TSP account with the federal government at this time. My current distribution in the account is as follows: G 8.83 percent; F 17.5 percent; C 31.5 percent; S 32.05 percent; and I 10.06 percent. How would you recommend that I reallocate my funds before I retire?

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