Browsing: TSP

Q. My plan is to retire on Dec. 31, 2018, at age 58 (under FERS). My TSP balance is just over $1 million. I plan to leave my TSP account with the federal government at this time. My current distribution in the account is as follows: G 8.83 percent; F 17.5 percent; C 31.5 percent; S 32.05 percent; and I 10.06 percent. How would you recommend that I reallocate my funds before I retire?

Q. I am under the FERS system, age 57 with 30 years of service. I am eligible to retire but will probably work another two years and retire at 59. I know that you recommend leaving TSP untapped for as long as possible. If I do this, I would need to take Social Security at 62 to make ends meet. Is this a good strategy? Many financial planners recommend waiting as long as possible to draw Social Security, so I am not sure which strategy makes the most sense.

Q. My agency, Veterans Affairs, is firing many employees for performance under the VA accountability act. I have 28 years of service after buying back seven years of military service and am 49. Will I get non-reduced retirement and access to my TSP withdrawals if I am given involuntary separation due to performance?

Q. I attained age 70 ½ this year. If I convert my TSP balance to an annuity before the end of this year, does that satisfy the required minimum distribution, or must I take the RMD this year and use the annuity to satisfy the RMD for future years?

Q. I plan to retire at 63 or 64, but because I came into the government late (12 years ago) my pension will not be that big. Would it be better to drawn from my TSP and claim Social Security at my full retirement age (66 and 4 months) or claim it at 64 and only withdraw from TSP as needed?

Q. Under the TSP partial withdrawal option, I can rollover a portion of my balance after I retire to an IRA. There is nothing that tells me when or how I can access the remaining balance. Under the full withdrawal option I can rollover a portion of my balance to an IRA and get the remainder in immediate monthly installments. I would like to rollover a portion but possibly delay distribution of the monthly installments for approximately one year. Can I do this under the partial withdrawal option? I am FERS, 57 years old with 30.5 years of service when…

Q. I am planning on retiring sometime after September 2019, which is when I know the TSP withdrawal rules are changing. I want to know if, after September 2019, I would be permitted to do the following: withdraw 20 percent of my balance to pay off outstanding bills; use 40 to 60 percent to purchase a Met Life annuity; and/or leave the balance in my TSP account invested in the L Fund that most closely corresponds to my life expectancy. (My intent would be to take actions one and two at the same time.)

Q. For the past five years I have been making the maximum contributions ($18,500 plus $5,500 catch up). I am planning to retire on Sept. 30 this year. Can I make an equivalent contribution to TSP out of my final pay to make up the difference to achieve the maximum contribution for the full year? I have been making $713 regular and $240 monthly to date. If I can do this, I will plan to make contributions of $4,262 and $1,440 from my final pay check to meet the maximum limit for the year. Is this allowed?

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